(707) 829-2020

san francisco vintage fashion expo free pass

San Francisco Vintage Fashion Expo

Sat. & Sun. March 17-18, 2018
Hall of Flowers, Golden Gate Park
1119 Ninth Ave. & Lincoln Way, SF

Hours: Sat. 9am-6pm (sorry, Sat. early bird 9-10:30am not covered w/this pass); Sun. 11am-5pm

Admission: FREE GENERAL ADMISSION! (sorry, pass does not cover Early Bird admission)
Simply present a print-out of this email at the door and receive free general admission -- please include your name and/or email address on the page. Additional print-outs may be used for your guests.

On-site Contact:  mobile/text

Please visit our show calendar for more information and/or complete 2018 schedule.

Thank you and hope to see you there.

Allyn Scura Eyewear
(707) 829-2020

Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm PT