(707) 829-2020


March 28, 2020

In our 32 years of business, we could never have imagined the COVID-19 virus and the impact it has had on all of our lives throughout the world.  Our prayers go out to those who are fighting the good fight and their families with the hopes that we will all recover soon. As Dickens said so long ago, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  We are grateful for the time to exhale, spend quality time with family, read more, catch up on our to do list, exercise, etc. 
Along with time to reflect comes the new reality of health and financial uncertainty. 

At Allyn Scura Eyewear, our hope is that you and your family stay safe and for the sake of our collective community, adhere to the critical shelter in place mandate, practice social distancing and wash hands frequently so this will all be over as quickly as possible. We have been incredibily lucky to be a part of  such a loyal and supportive community of customers and employees through the years and see us all as extended family.

We realize that glasses are not high on the priority list these days but for some, they’re a necessity. Given the “new normal” we have made the decision to offer 20% off every item on our site. We’ve never had a store-wide sale before since our approach has always been to offer the best quality at the lowest price possible. To receive 20% off, enter discount code "Social D" at check out.  Also, we accept Flex Spending Accounts (FSA) and/or Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for all prescription frames, sunglasses and lens work.

Thank you all for your continued support and may we all come through this whole and with a lasting perspective on what is truly important.

In gratitude, 
Allyn Scura 


March 14, 2020

To our wonderful customers:  
Needless to say, it has been quite a week. Seems like every hour we hear about a new pre-emptive action to help slow down the spread of Coronavirus. Schools have closed, people have been working from home, and events are being cancelled.

As we all hunker down, we wanted to share some of the steps we continue to take to help against the spread of the disease. While we are adhering to CDC Business Guidelines, we'd like to outline our standard protocol as well as added precautionary steps taken to keep us all safe.
  1. Ozone treatment: Our office, warehouse, studio and vehicles are now being treated each day with ozone generators during closing hours. Ozone kills 99.999% of pathogens in the air and on surfaces including SARS, Coronavirus and Influenza such as H5N1.  We are also making available to our employees an Ozone treatment machine that kills internal Coronavirus pathogens.
  2. Hand sanitizers: Placed throughout the office for sanitizing between hand washings.
  3. Alcohol wipes: Provided for wipe down of product and work areas. Please note, all online and other outgoing product will be sterilized prior to shipping.
  4. N95 respirators: Prior to the spread of Coronavirus, we were wearing N95 respirators to help filter dust and other airborn particulates generated in our workspace and will continue to do so as standard protocol.
  5. Nitrile sterile gloves: Prior to the spread of Coronavirus, we were wearing nitrile gloves as a protective barrier for our hands and will continue to do so as standard protocol.
  6. Air purifiers: Prior to the spread of Coronavirus, we were running air filtration machines 24/7 to help rid the air of dust and airborn particulates and will continue to do so as standard protocol.
  7. At shows: Once shows re-open, we will make available hand-sanitizers and alcohol wipes for customers to use while shopping. We will make every effort to wipe down frames with alcohol pads throughout the selling period. At the end of each show, we will treat all product and vehicles with ozone generators to destroy any contaminents before the next show.
  8. Office: Our office is not a retail location so neither we nor our facilities are exposed to the public or crowds.

Thank you for your time and continued support.

Please take care and stay safe,

Allyn, Scott, Erin & Tracy